Monday, February 13, 2012


So on Saturday I visited my parents and I still receive some of my mail there. In my little pile was a letter from the unemployment office. On January 31st there was a workshop I was supposed to attend, and being that my little sister had surgery that day and I had a funeral to attend the next day, it slipped my mind. The little piece of paper told me that since I didn't show up to the pointless little workshop, my unemployment was terminated. So right now, I have no money. I'm trying to straighten things out with the unemployment office, but they barely know what they're doing. Hopefully they'll call me back. Hopefully I'll start getting paid again. Hopefully I'll have landed a job by the end of February so this clusterfuck will be pointless in the end. Luckily I have a loving family and boyfriend who are willing to help me financially until I'm on my feet once again.
Money is so stressful. I try to do yoga to relieve tension. Oatmeal has been my go to food. It's cheap and good for you...I ate three bowls one day because I couldn't afford anything else.
So yes, stick to appointments that are assigned to you. Otherwise you'll lose money and have to borrow $500 from your mother.

On a nice note...I like babies. Here's my nephew, Gabriel. I took this picture last night at bath time, the best time. :)

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