Sunday, February 12, 2012

An Introduction.

So basically this is where I start off telling you, the reader, about myself. I don't think one little entry will fully explain my personality and my little quirks, but I'll try.
My name is Amanda, hear me roar. I'm pretty average as far as height and weight go. I have blue eyes, and naturally light brown hair color, but I haven't seen my real hair in years. It changes constantly. I have an odd fashion sense, and I try to keep in style as much as I can, however being unemployed makes you stick to yoga pants most of the time. I love the colors purple and yellow. They're happy colors. I smile a lot and try to stay optimistic most of the time. I'm into the tattoo/piercing world. I love hair and makeup and try to stay up to date with those trends as well. I'm a nerd and will try to learn anything and everything about anything and everything. My favorite game series is The Legend of Zelda. Because money is tight, I'm just getting around to playing Twilight Princess.
Those are just a few tidbits about me, as more will come along in the process of my blog. My main objective with this is that I, like so many Americans, am unemployed. I live near Martinsville, Virginia which has the highest unemployment rate in the state, that rate being 16.7 percent in December 2011. It's quite noticeable once you get in the city and surrounding areas. There are many buildings, factories, and old businesses that now have boarded up their windows throughout the area. These factories and businesses were mainly Tultex and furniture factories that were bought out and outsourced to foreign countries. Going through the city, there are hints that it was actually a desirable place to live. Intricate buildings uptown and on main street. Like many towns and cities that had these factories and businesses, we had potential. It's sad because this is my home, and having no job and surviving barely on unemployment benefits until I find a job, there's really no way out. I've applied to so many places since November of 2011 that I could probably recite my resume and work history in my sleep. Basically the purpose of this blog is to let you, the reader, know that if you are unemployed or having hardships in your life, you're not alone. I'll post different tips I have discovered as far as job opportunities, shopping tips, relationship advice, fashion, different stories from my life, and basically what is requested of me. There's more to come. :) 

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