Saturday, July 21, 2012


So an update!!
1. I have just recently started my new job on Monday and I have to say, I think I'm gonna like it. It's a call center, but it pays pretty good for my area. It's not as big as my two past jobs; about only 100 or so employees. The only thing I hate about it is that I have to cover (or attempt to cover) my tattoos, mainly the one on my arm. I'm going for a half sleeve on each arm and have already started on my left arm. In southern Virginia when it reaches 90+ degree weather, it's way too hot to be covering up tattoos with a cardigan. UGH. Also, the dress code is kind of hard to follow when you've been unemployed for 6+ months and living off a pretty slim paycheck. I have plenty of pairs of high heels, but sometimes they just don't work for a few outfits. Flip flops aren't allowed unless they're the Jesus sandals on the back because regular ones are "safety hazards". Umm...right. Also, no jeans. I have plenty of dresses, but I have to wear leggings with them, and I'm not quite sure if that meets "business casual" or not. And I have absolutely NO dress pants or flats to wear. So, what I do is wear my black yoga pants. They're fairly new, but the way I layer my clothes you can't see the fold over part on the pants revealing the yoga. I haven't had anybody complain so I'm thinking it'll work til I get some money to buy said dress pants and flats.

2. I have horrible credit and need to fill out a student loan for the rest of my tuition for Averett University. I plan on doing this tomorrow, only the loan will be about $11,000 to $12,000. I really hope I get it without having a cosigner.

3. I'm also going to be tracking my weight loss on here and posting pictures whenever possible. :) So this may not just be about being in a shit town with no job, but keep in mind, according to my income I'm still pretty freaking poor.

So those are the updates. I'm going to try and write a bit to spew my thoughts. I'm working on something tonight in my head but haven't quite figured out the wording. I shall post it soon though.

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